해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Thunderbolt 4 Cable 6.6FT 240W USB4 Cable Supports 40Gbps High-Speed Data Transfer/8K/Dual 4k Display USB C to USB C Cable Fast Charging for Thunderbolt 4/3 Monitor/Hub/Docking Stations and More Grey

상품번호 B0CJNSK84B
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상품가격 $24.99
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【240W PD 3.1 Fast Charging Cable】:This USB C Thunderbolt 4 Cable 240W is an upgraded fast charger cable ,USB C to USB C Cable up to (48V/5A) . Charges any current or future USB-C device at max speed.【40Gbps Data Transfer】:USB C Monitor Cable it supports data transfer rates of up to 40Gbps, which is several times faster than regular USB ports. Fully universal for all Thunderbolt 4, Thunderbolt 3, USB-C and USB4 devices Can Easily synchronize the transfer of large files, videos, games, photos, and more, with no waiting time - just plug and play!Note: The final actual data transfer speed depending on host and device support.【Single 8K/Dual 4K USB C Video Cable】:USB 4 cable supports single 8K@60Hz and dual 4K@60Hz high-definition video transmission, compatible with Thunderbolt 3/4 port. USB C cable video and power 4k offers 4K@60Hz (3840*2160) video output function from USB C laptops to USB C display screen or monitor, such as MacBook LG 4k, Google, HP EliteDisplay and more Type-C devices with the original USB-C charger.Stable and Durable USB-C Cable】:This Durable USB type C transfer cable is made of high-strength braided material, which not only looks stylish, but also has excellent tensile strength and durability. With its lightweight size and easy-to-carry design, you can enjoy the high-speed performance of Thunderbolt 4 anytime anywhere.【Thunderbolt 4 Cable】:You will get a 6.6ft long USB-C to USB-C Thunderbolt 4 cable. If you encounter any problems after purchase, please do not hesitate to contact us.

2024-04-04 20:17:10

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