해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
39.3'' Bamboo Dining Bench, Farmhouse Wood Bench, Kitchen & Living Room Furniture, Easy to Assemble, Sturdy and Stable, Natural YL03CD01G2

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상품가격 $59.99
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Renewable Bamboo: Made of natural bamboo, the dining bench is tough and wear-resistant, bearing up to 396 lb. Due to the renewability of bamboo, this table bench with a smooth finish and good durability shows our effort for a healthier lifestyleNatural and Fresh Appearance: This dining bench retains the natural color of bamboo throughout, showcasing its textured beauty. With an elegant and rich atmosphere, it effortlessly adds a touch of refined and unique taste to any corner of your homeDiversified Roles: This entrance bench has the perfect size 11.8"D x 39.4"W x 17.7"H and charming body, so it can be used as a double dining stool, or a shoe changing bench in the entrance. Or even as a storage table, it can perform well, very functionalExcellent Stability: The table bench in a trapezoid can stand more stable with reinforced bottom crossbar for enhanced support. Four rubber foot pads can effectively prevent slipping and protect the floor or carpet from being scratchedAssembly is a Breeze: With numbered parts, easy-to-follow instructions and corresponding assembly tools, assembly of this dining bench is a piece of cake and it won\'t take long to enjoy this vintage style bamboo kitchen bench

2024-05-15 20:48:25

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