해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
YOUNIKE Dining Chairs Set of 2, Grass Green Comfy Padded Kitchen Chairs with Adjustable Feet, Mid Century Modern Faux Leather Dining Room Chairs, 300LBS Support Elegant Dinning Chairs

상품번호 B0CJTC117H
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상품가격 $255.99
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|SUNBURST-LINE DESIGN|: Inspired by natural sunlight, the dining chair\'s pattern emulates sunrays, providing comfort and vitality. Its sleek, minimalist lines offer a simple yet eye-catching design, adding a touch of elegance to your home|SUPERIOR EXPERIENCE|: Come with slightly tilted backrest and solid structure, the fully upholstered kitchen chair\'s seat cushion is filled with high-desity sponge. In addition, the foot can be adjusted in small increments as a way to adjust the balance|EXCELLENT SURFACE MATERIAL|: YOUNIKE dining chairs are made of selected faux leather that is hardwearing to resist cat scratch breakage and easy to clean. The leather cleaner used in car seats is also suitable for our dining room chairs|DIVERSIFIED USE SCENARIOS|: Stylish appearance has more possibilities. With 11 colors to choose from, this dining chair can be used in more scenarios than just the dining room. It can be used in bedroom, living room, reception room|DINING CHAIR DIMENSION|: Total: 19.29" W x 24" D x 33" H, Seat Depth: 17.3" , Seat Width: 19.29" , Seat Height: 17.7", Back Width: 16.9", Back Height: 15.3", Maximum load-bearing capacity: 300LBS|NO WORRIES AFTER-SALE|: Each package comes with installation tools and instructions, so anyone can easily assemble it with the instruction guide. Your satisfaction is our pursuit and any questions will be responded within 24 hours

2024-09-06 01:59:59

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