해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Right Foot AFO Foot Drop Brace For Walking With Shoes, Socks, Or Barefoot Provides Foot Drop Support For Men Or Women And Also Provides Plantar Fasciitis Relief (Right)

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ALL-DAY SUPPORT - Our ankle foot orthosis (AFO) drop foot brace meets your changing needs throughout the day. Wear it with shoes while on-the-go and leave it on while relaxing around the house or while you sleep. Shoe designs vary so you may need a half size larger shoe than what you normally wear for the brace to fit comfortable in your shoe.MAXIMUM COMFORT - After an initial break-in period, you will hardly notice our AFO brace while you go about your day. Our non-slip rubber sole allows you to walk safely on hardwood or tile without slipping.VERSATILE FIT - Our one size fits most 4 strap foot drop ankle brace design provides the freedom to adjust it to the fit that is most comfortable for you.WASHABLE - Machine wash on cold then air dry and.... BAM! The foot drop orthotic brace is clean and ready to use again.WARRANTY - Our products are 100% quality guaranteed. Contact us for product support.

2024-05-16 22:28:48

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