해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Green Lipped Mussels for Dogs & Cats - Premium Joint Supplement Powder for HIPS, Joints, and Muscles (75 Grams, Up to 250 Servings)

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상품가격 $20.89
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Natural Joint Support: Discover the benefits of green lipped mussel powder as a joint supplement for dogs. It\'s a powerful source of joint support, helping your furry friend stay active and agile.Feline Joint Wellness: Not just for dogs, green lipped mussels for cats provide essential joint health support. Keep your cat\'s hips and joints in top condition with this natural supplement.From New Zealand: Our green mussel supplement is sourced from New Zealand, known for its pristine waters and quality ingredients, ensuring the best for your pet\'s joint health.Versatile Joint Aid: Whether you\'re looking for joint repair, ligament support, or overall joint health, our green lipped mussel supplement is the perfect choice for both dogs and cats.Powdered Perfection: Say goodbye to dog joint issues with our powdered joint supplement. Easily mix it with your pet\'s food for a hassle-free and effective way to support their joint and muscle health.

2025-01-09 14:34:08

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