해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Soothing Repair Hydrating Face Cream R4 | Daily Face Moisturizer Facial Lotion with Eucalyptus, Peptide and Collagen | Gentle for All Skin Types No Animal Trials No Paraben 1.69 fl oz

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상품가격 $33.00
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24-HOUR DEEP SKIN HYDRATION. DERMAFIRM Soothing Repair Moisturizer Face Cream R4 is a hydration elixir, powered by the natural goodness of plant exosomes derived from Eucalyptus and Perilla Leaf. Experience deep moisturization for an entire day, as it strengthens your skin barrier, effectively combating moisture loss.POWERFUL SKIN REVITALIZATION. Elevate your skincare routine with the soothing benefits and collagen-boosting prowess of our moisturizing cream. Facilitating the revitalization and renewal of damaged skin barriers, it provides a radiant complexion, ensuring your skin looks and feels its absolute finest.REPLENISHES LOST MOISTURE. Make DERMAFIRM Soothing Repair Dewy Skin Cream Facial Moisturizer R4 a daily ritual for your skin. This Korean face cream replenishes moisture levels and creates a shield on your skin\'s surface. The luxurious, lightweight formula absorbs swiftly, leaving your skin irresistibly softer and smoother.CLEAN AND HYPOALLERGENIC SKIN CREAM. DERMAFIRM prioritizes the well-being of your skin by providing products that are cruelty-free and free of parabens, preservatives, and artificial colors. This unwavering commitment ensures a gentle and hypoallergenic solution suitable for all skin types.ADVANCED DERMATOLOGICAL TECHNOLOGY. Trust in DERMAFIRM\'s global cosmeceutical expertise, derived from genuine dermatological research. Benefit from advanced skincare solutions that go beyond the surface, delivering optimal results and addressing your unique skin needs with precision.

2024-11-01 07:09:00

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