해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
PAG-Mass Mail Sorter Organizer, Wood Literature Organizer, Student Mailbox for Classroom, Desktop Bill Paper Organizer for Office Home School, 38 Compartments, White

상품번호 B0CK164JF8
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상품가격 $248.99
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▶High Quality. The literature organizer is made of excellent quality Melamine Faced Board, wear-resistant and waterproof, durable and resistant to cracking, suitable for many years and withstand lots of use▶Amazing Storage Capacity and Space-saving. The literature organizer has 10 Layers and 4 columns, a total of 36 slots and 2 drawers. It can help you sort, store and organize literature, magazines, comic books, files, student assignments, binders, catalogs, diaries, papers and documents on your desk, counter or floor quickly and easily and get you valuable workspace back▶Efficient Organization. Practical organization for various occasions: sort students assignments and organize tablets in the classroom; arrange art supplies and letter-size papers stock in a studio; store magazines and comic books at home; present brochures and flyer for guests and customers in an office lobby; display popular periodicals and paperback books in a library reading nook▶Easy to install. Screws and installation instruction are included. The new structural design allows you to assemble more conveniently. You can complete the assembly within 20 minutes▶DIMENSION(inch): Overall: W40.75 x D12 x H26. Ideal for use in home, offices, classrooms, craft rooms

2024-02-13 11:25:54

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