해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Playmobil My Figures: Knights of Novelmore

상품번호 B0CK268FB5
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상품가격 19.99
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Realistic battles: Let Burnham Raiders and Novelmore Knights prove their courage in action-packed scenes. Who will win the duel for the golden dragon statue and the valuable chest of equipment?Creative Figure Design: Mix helmets, swords, lances, and more to create distinctive knight heroes. With removable headgear, armor pieces, and weapons, numerous combinations arise for captivating knightly adventuresToy for children ages 5+: Fits perfectly in children\'s hands due to age-appropriate size pieces, easy to hold thanks to its rounded edgesEveryday use: instructions for assembly (with parents), High quality and robust design, To clean the parts (not including stickers), place pieces under running water.Contents: 45 pieces with instructions: 4 figures, 41 additional accessories; materials made from plastic; LxWxH: Treasure chest: approx. 9.76 x 5.59 x 1.81 in., 71487
Be creative. Be unique. Be colorful. Build your own PLAYMOBIL figure with the PLAYMOBIL My Figures: Knights of Novelmore. Grab a shield, bow and arrow, or many other accessories and start the battle. Be on the lookout for the lost treasure and the giant, golden dragon statue worth millions! Let your imagination run wild - mix and match heads, bodies, and accessories to create more than 1,000 possible figure combinations! Set includes four interchangeable figures, treasure chest, golden statue, and other accessories. Recommended for ages five to ten. Warning. Choking Hazard. Small parts. Not for children under 3 years.

2024-05-14 19:48:24

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