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Golf Chipping Game, 2023 Latest Battle Royale Golf - Integrated Design of Bag and Mat.Velcro Golf Chipping Game -Golf Practice Mat- Indoor Golf Game for Kids Office Backyard (NO Club).

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상품가격 $37.99
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⛳Golf Chipping Game Includes: Velcro golf chipping game is an exciting outdoor and indoor golf game for kids and adults. of all skill levels to do indoor golf practice. The golf game Includes 1 sticky golf mat, which is also the storage bag. 1 chipping mat, 16 sticky balls, 6 ground stakes. (no club).⛳Unique design:The integration of golf mat and storage bag makes playing and storage very convenient and fun.Our battle royale golf game is an updated golf chipping game in 2023.⛳Golf Game & Toss Game: Not only is the velcro golf chipping game great for golf, but the sticky golf mat game can also be used as a toss game toy. Battle royale golf is a perfect golf practice mat, battle royale golf game is also a perfect indoor golf game.⛳ Improve Chipping Skills : The design of sand hazard, water hazard and other hazard will help improve chipping accuracy and distance .This battle royale golf game is a perfect golf chip game for golf lover to improve their skills.⛳Outdoor / Indoor Golf Game: Golf chipping game is a fun game to relax with your family. Suitable for home, backyard. Ideal indoor golf game, outdoor golf game. Perfect indoor golf mat as Christmas gifts for kids. Recommend Ages: from 3 to12.

2024-07-12 00:32:05

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