해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
IDZO Awnings for Doors, SPF 50+ UV-Protective Window Awning Exterior with Aluminum Alloy Connector, Use for Front Doors/Windows Overhang Awning for Sun Shutter, UV, Rain, Snow Protection

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상품가격 $81.61
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IMPROVED INSULATION: The polycarbonate sheets used in this window door awning aid in heat transfer, keeping the space cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter; With SPF 50 sheets, this window awning exterior also shields you from UV raysDURABLE AGAINST WEATHER: The sturdy ABS brackets keep this door canopy awning rain shelter stable in adverse weather conditions; The pieces are secured together tightly by aluminum connectors to keep out wind, rain, and intense sunlightSTYLISH MODERN LOOK: This front door awning exterior with warm color offers a sleek and modern aesthetic that can enhance the overall appearance of your home or apartment; The window door awning comes with all necessary parts for easy installationDIFFERENT SIZES SATISFY YOUR NEEDS: The front door awning exterior is available in three sizes 40x40 in. for one piece, 40x80 in. for two pieces, and 40x120 in. for three pieces, accommodating various architectural designs and personal preferencesVERSATILE INSTALL: This window awning exterior is designed to effortlessly harmonize with various types of wall surfaces; Whether you have a sturdy wood stud, solid cement, or a timeless brick wall, our door canopy awning rain shelter is an ideal fit
Step into a world of functionality and the mesmerizing beauty of the window door awning. Picture yourself gazing out of your window, shielded from the harsh glare of the sun by the gentle shade of a front door awning exterior. Let the door canopy awning rain shelter be your stylish guardian, protecting your home while elevating its curb appeal to heights. About our window awning exterior: - Say goodbye to fluctuating temperatures as the improved insulation provided by polycarbonate sheets keeps your space comfortably cool in the summer and cozy warm in the winter. - With SPF 50 sheets, our window door awning also shields you from harmful UV rays. - Designed to withstand harsh weather conditions, the sturdy ABS brackets and secure aluminum connectors of our front door awning exterior keep out wind, rain, and intense sunlight, providing durability. - Get a touch of modern elegance to your home or apartment with the sleek and stylish aesthetic of our warm colored window awning exterior. - Choose from three different sizes, including 40x40 in. for one piece, 40x80 in. for two pieces, and 40x120 in. for three pieces, allowing for versatile customization to suit your specific needs and preferences. - No matter the type of wall surface, whether it\'s a sturdy wood stud, solid cement, or timeless brick wall, our door canopy awning rain shelter seamlessly harmonizes with your architectural design.

2024-11-26 07:08:32

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