해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
FEISIKE Baby Car Camera, 1080P Dual-Channel 5 inch Display Baby Car Mirror with 2 IR Night Vision Camera, Easily Install Car Camera for Baby with Crystal Clear Wide View for Rear Facing Seat

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상품구분 Baby Products / Car Seats & Accessories
브랜드 Brand: FEISIKE
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $59.99
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【DUAL CAMERA SPLIT SCREEN DISPLAY】The 2 cameras display imaging separately, and with the split-screen function on the large 5-inch IPS display, you can take care of 2 babies or 2 different scenes at the same time.【1080P HD & 149° WIDE ANGEL】The high-resolution and rotatable camera combined with 149° viewing angle can fully cover the scene you need to view; the AHD displayer can transmit images more clearly, so you can know every move of your baby.【NIGHT VISION FUNCTION】The 940 nm infrared light allows you to see your child clearly in the back seat even when driving at night. There is no red light flashing at night, so you don\'t have to worry about the light affecting your baby\'s sleep.【ADJUSTABLE DISPLAYER】Adjustable brightness, contrast and saturation; with an adjustable angle bracket, it gives you a better visual experience at any angle, whether at night or in bright light. What\'s more, displaying only a single or dual screen is adjustable, so you can adjust it according to your own needs.【EASY TO INSTALL & STABLE】Car camera for baby simply straps to the headrest where car baby camera can be easily adjusted. Install the displayer, connect power supply, then it works. Displayer Automatically Turns On and Switch To Baby Backseat.The one-piece base with Velcro elasticated straps saves you from car shaking during driving and gives you the ultimate driving experience.

2024-09-04 23:04:50

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