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34902-84 for Harley Big Twin Transmission Mainshaft Inner Bearing Race Tool Installer & Puller Set Bearing Race Removal Tool without Damaging Main Shaft

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상품구분 Automotive / Tools & Equipment
브랜드 Brand: Sporthfish
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $29.97
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【Fitment】 Equivalent to the replace part #34902-84 puller tool for Harley, even better. Fits for Harley Big Twins inner bearing race from 1984 to present.【Function】 Transmission mainshaft bearing inner race puller and installation tool set for Harley Davidson. Designed for removal and installation of Big Twin main shaft bearing inner races on all Five (5) and Six (6) speed transmissions from 1984 to present.【Feature】 Removes the spindle bearing inner ring without damaging main shaft on a Harley trans. A must have repair tools for Harley.【Quality】 The mainshaft bearing inner puller tool set is made of heavy duty steel and is resistant to bending and failure. And the tool surface has a black oxide coating to prevent corrosion and rust. Long service life, quality tool.【GOOD SERVICE】 We have a professional customer service team, if you have any questions, please contact us through Amazon. We will reply to you within 24 hours, and provide you with satisfactory solutions. At the same time, we support 30-day return refund and 1-year warranty service. Please purchase with confidence.
Main shaft bearing race disassembly, installation and replacement tool kit for harley. Bearing race removal tool for Harley all Five (5) and Six (6) speed transmissions from 1984 to present. A safe way to get the shaft bushing off without damaging the mainshaft. Essential tools in your toolbox. Specification: Brand: Sporthfish Condition: New Material: Heavy Duty Steel Color: Black Product Weight: 3 pounds Package Dimensions: 10.3 x 3.2 x 2.1 inches Package Include: 1 x Inner Primary Bearing Race Puller and Installer Set

2024-06-03 21:38:15

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