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Electric Pressure Washer Power Washers - Anykit 1600 PSI Power Washers Electric Powered Max 1.2 GPM with 4 Quick Connected Nozzles,Water Pressure Washer for Cleaning Car Patio Deck Outdoors

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상품구분 Patio, Lawn & Garden / Outdoor Power Tools
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상품가격 $129.99
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POWERFUL CLEANNING PERFORMANCE: Unleash the cleaning power of 1600 PSI and 1.2 GPM, ensuring the household electric pressure washer tackles the dirt and grime effeciently, leaving surfaces looking pristine and renewed. Not suitable for tougher jobs like stripping paint (2000PSI above required) or cleaning heavily soiled concrete.MULTI-SECURITY DESIGN: Prioritize safety and extend the lifespan of your pressure washer. The Total Stop System (TSS) automatically shuts off the pump when not in use, offering safety and energy savings. The Trigger button provide double protection.QUICK CONNECT NOZZLES: Customize your cleaning strategy effortlessly with four connectable nozzles. Whether you need a gentle touch for delicate surfaces or a powerful spray for stubborn stains, Anykit pressure washers adapts to your specific cleaning requirements.EASY TO OPERATE: Simplify your cleaning routine with an intuitively designed corded electric pressure washer. Perfect for users of all levels, its easy operation ensures quick setup and efficient to go, so you can achieve professional-grade cleaning results without the learning curve.ADAPTABLE FOR ANY CLEANING SCENARIO: From patio furniture to driveways, the Anykit high pressure washer excels in diverse cleaning scenarios. Its adaptability makes it the go-to solution for maintaining a spotless home exterior, tackling different surfaces with ease and efficiency.

2024-06-03 10:02:45

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