해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
FOXWELL NT710 OBD2 Scanner fit for Ford/Lincoln/Mercury - Full System Engine ABS SRS Transmission Diagnostic Scan Tool, Bi-Directional Control, All Resets Battery Registeration, Auto VIN, Code Reader

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상품가격 $329.00
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SUPERIOR UPGRADE OF NT510 ELITE: Equipped with android 9.0 os, 5.5" touchscreen(1280*720P), built-in 32+2GB memory, 1.3GHz processor and 4000mAh battery, intended to deliver unparalleled diagnostic solutions and an exceptional user experience. OE-level features: all system diagnosis, bi-directional control, all resets, 10 obd2 modes, lifetime free update, remote tech control, 26 languages choice etc.READ & CLEAR ALL SYSTEM FAULT CODES: Foxwell is famous for its professional diagnostic scanner. NT710 assits you to perform a dealer-level and comprehensive diagnosis for all systems: body, chassis, powertrain and all control modules check, including Engine, SRS, Transmission, ABS, SAS, EPB and so on, which allows you to quickly assess the vehicle\'s condition and identify issues efficiently.35+ Hot Reset Services: Supports ABS Bleeding, Battery Matching, Oil Reset, Steering Angle Sensor Reset, Brake Reset, Electric Throttle Relearn, Injector Coding, DPF Regeneration etc. Enhance driving safety, prolong the vehicle\'s service life, and reduce time and cost expenditures. Functions may vary from the model, year and conditions of vehicle! Provide VIN to confirm compatibility.POWERFUL BI-DIRECTIONAL CONTROL: NT710 bidirectional scan tool allows you to send commands to ecu, retrieve ecu data, and monitor actuator operations, allowing you to quickly determine if a specific system or component is functioning correctly. Including switches, sensors, relays, windows, mirrors, doors, wipers, sunroofs, lights, headlamps, fuel pump relays, cooling fans etc.MONITOR ENGINE EXHAUST EMISSIONS: Foxwell nt710 supports all basic feature(comes with OBD2 protocol) which provides full OBDII functions to perform read/clear codes, read freeze frame data, view live data, I/M readiness, on-board monitor test, EVAP system test, view vehicle info, etc. Conducting a seamless self-inspection of your vehicle\'s emissions components to quickly assess their condition.ONE-CLICK BATTERY REGISTRATION: After finished battery replacement, foxwell nt710 can help to register new battery to the BMS system with just one-operation, reducing potential problems caused by mismanagement of the battery and improving the overall performance and reliability of the vehicle.DO MORE FOR YOU: 1.Auto VIN for Quick Scan: Effortlessly retrieve the vehicle\'s VIN and essential details with a single button press—no manual input needed. Streamlines diagnostics, saving time and ensure precise alignment with the vehicle\'s system. 2.Add More Vehicle Software for Multi-Car Families: Just need to pay for extra $60-$80 to buy a complete new diagnostic of different brand vehicle instead of buying another scanner.

2025-02-05 18:19:19

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