해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Rocky Reachers Rocky Balboa 13-Inch Boxing Puppet Toy | Retro '80s Movie Collectibles

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상품구분 Toys & Games / Puppets & Puppet Theaters
브랜드 Brand: Toynk
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $39.99
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A PUPPET WITH PUNCH: Hop into the ring with Rocky Balboa and this exclusive Rocky Reachers boxing puppet inspired by the cult classic sports drama. You\'ll aspire to being the best with the captivating boxing champ as your right-hand man.THE ITALIAN STALLION: Relive the motivational underdog movie with this stunning hand puppet based on Sylvester Stallone\'s unforgettable portrayal of boxing legend Rocky Balboa. The heavyweight champ dons his "Italian Stallion" boxing robe.A REAL KNOCKOUT: Sized to fit most adult hands, you\'ll be ready to brawl with this hand puppet that delivers impressive jabbing action. The puppet lunges forward when the levers are pushed inside with your fingers. (No batteries required.)QUALITY OF A CHAMPION: Go for the heavyweight title with his puppet that measures approximately 13 inches tall. With its iconic head sculpt and gloved fists, this realistic boxing puppet is sure to be the main event in any collection.OFFICIAL ROCKY COLLECTIBLE: Poised to deliver a knockout blow is this officially licensed Rocky Balboa boxing puppet from the Rocky Reachers series. Like slipping on a glove, this ringside fighter will turn day-to-day challenges into victories.
OVERCOME THE ODDS WITH THE ITALIAN STALLION Roll with the punches and keep moving forward with this exclusive boxing puppet toy inspired by the cult classic Rocky. Looking like he just stepped into the ring, this Rocky Balboa hand puppet features the famed heavyweight boxer at the beginning of his illustrious sports career. Ready to face his opponent wearing golden gloves and personalized "Italian Stallion" robe, this action-packed collectible captures Rocky poised to win his next fight. A HAND PUPPET THAT PACKS A PUNCH You don\'t have to hit the gym with Mickey in order to take control of this puppet\'s powerful arm-punching action. Using the strategically placed levers on the inside, master a devastating one-two body blow with this hand puppet\'s fun feature. While practicing your southpaw swings and hybrid-fighter moves, you\'ll feel like a true boxing champ with Rocky Balboa to lead you to victory. Be the next contender with this officially licensed collectible inspired by the legend of Rocky.

2025-01-07 13:04:40

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