해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
SENSHINE for Honda CR-V CRV Accessories 2023 2024 Cup Holder Insert Center Console Liner Trim Door Packet Mats Non-Slip Anti Dust Premium Custom Interior 18PC Set (Orange Trim)

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상품구분 Automotive / Replacement Parts
브랜드 Brand: SENSHINE
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $19.88
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【Fitment】Professional custom thicker more pieces more environmentally friendly rubber liners! This accessories fit for Honda CR-V CRV 2023 2024. Including trim levels: LX, SE, EX, EX-L, Touring, Sport, Hybrid, ect.【FULL PROTECTION】:This CRV accessories provids a non-slip 3D surface to set the item on and keep them from rattling. Like miniature rubber "floor mats" , Custom fit liners will cover all the pockets of your car interior including(except the dashboard): cup holders, door pockets, and center console. They provide protection from crumbs, minor spills,melted candy, scratches, and rattling coins. To clean simply rinse the liners in the sink.【NON-SLIP & NON RATTLING】:Made from durable DURABLE & HIGH FLEXIBLE rubber that allows the pad to bend and contour into the car\'s pocket while also providing a non-slip surface to set the item on.They also prevent the random items from rattling, such as ratchet straps placed in the door pocket.【DECORATION】:Strong stereoscopic effect will improve overall aesthetics of your Honda CR-V CRV. Has a small tab handle to lifted up and access car pocket easier.【LIFETIME WARRANTY】Includes a hassle free lifetime guarantee so that you will be protected for the lifetime of your car. If you have any issues or are not 100% satisfied with your purchase please contact SENSHINE after-service group.

2024-07-10 00:05:34

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