해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
EnaSkin Dark Spot Remover for Face and Body: Age Spot Sun Spot Freckles Melasma Brown Spot Serum - Advanced Formula Corrector Cream with Niacinamide for Women and Men (1.0 Fl Oz)

상품번호 B0CKTV68KX
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상품가격 $21.99
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Advanced Spot Serum: Experience the potency of our upgraded serum, meticulously crafted to combat brownspots, black spots, sun spots and freckles. Witness a reduction in dark spots, revealing a radiant complexion.Revitalizing Formula: Unleash the potential of our professional spot serum, enriched with potent components like 3-o-ethyl ascorbic and alpha-arbutin. Enjoy a refreshed, moisturized, and rejuvenated complexion.Suitable for All Skin Tones: Tailored for both men and women, our premium spot serum adapts to all skin tones. Gradually increase usage for accelerated results, with significant transformations promised after 3-6 weeks of consistent application.Spot Reduction Routine: Integrate our serum into your daily skincare regimen. Apply morning and night after cleansing, and emphasize daily sun protection for optimal effectiveness in reducing dark spots.Trusted Expertise of Enaskin: Choose Enaskin for its specialization in professional-grade anti-freckle and fading essence. Our brand is dedicated to addressing dark spots and various skin concerns, ensuring a reliable solution for your skincare needs.

2025-02-05 04:31:55

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