해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
BENFEI CFexpress Type B Card Reader with USB 3.2 (Gen 2) 10Gbps, USB-C&USB-A 2-in-1 Type B CFexpress Adapter, Compatible with Windows/Mac/Linux/Android(Not for XQD Card)

상품번호 B0CL34BDQ3
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상품가격 $19.99
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10Gbps SUPER SPEED FOR CFEXPRESS CARD - BENFEI CFepxpress card reader is specially designed for CFexpress memory card (Type B) and supports USB3.2 Gen2 (10Gbps) super speed data transfer for your CFexpress card.In order to reach 10Gbps high speed,the USB/USB C port of your devices must reach the speed of USB 3.2 GEN2.Note:The final data speed is decided by the card and USB slot Type2-in-1 Design for Type-C/Type-A - The 2-in-1 USB-C/USB 3.0 cable design allows the BENFEI card reader to work with a computer or laptop via a USB 3.0 slot or the latest USB Type-C (Thunderbolt 3/4 compatible) slot.Wide Compatibility - Compatible with most operating systems such as Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10, Mac OS etc. This CFexpress card reader compatible with CFexpress Type B memory cards. Note: Not compatible with CFexpress Type A/C and XQD cards.Stability - Braided nylon housing for added durability with a tested bending life of over 10,000 times. The high-quality aluminium alloy housing, robust exterior workmanship and heat-resistant connectors give this card reader incredible durability. This card reader is far more reliable than others in its price range.18 MONTH WARRANTY - Exclusive BENFEI Unconditional 18-month Warranty ensures long-time satisfaction of your purchase; Friendly and easy-to-reach customer service to solve your problems timely

2024-10-01 20:09:33

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