해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Waterproof Baby Car Seat Cover,YVMVDV Cold Weather Carseat Cover for Babies,Infant Car Seat Cover Canopy for Boy Girls,Windproof Car Seat Canopy for Boys & Girls, Keeps Babies Warm

상품번호 B0CL79XM89
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상품구분 Baby Products / Car Seats & Accessories
브랜드 Brand: YVMVDV
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $28.99
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【 Weather Proof Infant Car Seat Cover】Made of high quality waterproof fabric for the outer side, protects your baby from the rain, snow, and wind; There has the air vent on both side, so it is also breathable.The inner side is minky dot fabric ,which is soft and skin friendly; it can give babies strong touch feelings. Babies will definitely fall in love with it.【Features】:This baby carrier cover Have 2 Layers Of the windows.one layer is the waterproof fabric and another is the mesh material , make it prevent the wind on spring or winter,and also convenient for the mum to see the baby, and the baby can stay in a more ventilated Cover.【Humanized Design】:We have done an innovation, you can see from the picture , we have installed 2 zippers on the carseat cover,if the baby is small,and you want to take the baby out ,you need not remove the cover and just Unzip the small zipper; if your baby is bigger ,then you also need not remove the cover and just Unzip the big zipper .very convenient for you.【Fits Any Baby Car Seat】The baby carseat cover not only fits Chicco Car Seat and other normal Car Seat carrier but also perfect fit for doona Stroller ,it is good as a car seat shade canopy, stroller sun protection cover. With multiple functions, this car seat cover boys girls is bound to be your everyday companion! the carseat cover also can be a thoughtful gift for new moms, baby registry, newborn essentials for baby boys and girls and baby must have for first time moms.Our baby car seat cover has super high quality. but in case you received a defective one , please kindly email us , and we will assist you solve your complaint with 24 hours.

2024-07-10 20:06:50

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