해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
PicassoTiles 8pc Magnet Tile Building Blocks 8 Magnets Forest Animal Action Figures Compatible Magnetic Accessory Tiles Construction Toy Set STEM Educational Learning Toddler Girls Boys Ages 3+ PTA26

상품번호 B0CL929872
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상품가격 $12.99
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DREAM BIG & BUILD BIG: Unleash endless creativity with this 8pc forest animal magnetized playset featuring 8 captivating forest-dwelling creatures - Fox, Brown Bear, Squirrel, Tiger, Panda, Owl, Monkey, and Koala. This is the perfect complement to your existing magnet structural blocks collection. Construct an enchanting nature realm and create a woodland adventure limited only by your imagination. Please note: magnetic building tiles not included.UNIVERSAL COMPATIBILITY: Experience the power of creative freedom with our compatible magnet add-on action figures playset. This pretend play toyset seamlessly integrates with other toys that are known for their magnetic building tile capabilities. Your child can freely explore endless imaginative possibilities as they mix and match this action figure accessory kit with any toy that is magnetized. Make every playtime limitless with imagination!LEARNING BY PLAYING: Nurturing creativity through hands-on exploration is the key to success in STEAM education. Our forest animal magnet action figures elevates the Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics intellectual journey while providing thrilling storytelling adventures. Constructing and designing allows for fun but also fine-tunes hand-eye coordination, imagination, color and shape recognition, and enhances preschool instruction.PERFECT FOR GIFTING: Whether you\'re celebrating a birthday, holiday, or special occasion, our magnet forest animal action figures playset is the ideal present. It\'s a toy and educational adventure blended into one. This magnetic add-on is the best addition to add to any magnet structural block set, and it will create endless constructing possibilities and captivate hearts and minds alike. Give the gift of STEAM learning, creativity, and fun with this play kit.BPA-FREE & NON-TOXIC: We place safety above all else. Our PicassoTiles magnet tile building block accessory action figures are BPA-free and non-toxic, creating a safe environment for your child\'s playtime. These attachment parts are guaranteed to create enjoyable amusement, with the piece of mind from knowing your little one’s exploration is shielded from harmful elements.
PicassoTiles 8pc Magnet Tile Building Blocks 8 Magnets Forest Animal Action Figures Compatible Magnetic Accessory Tiles Construction Toy Set STEM Educational Learning Toddler Girls Boys Ages 3+ PTA26

2024-02-13 22:19:52

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