해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Coolvie King Mattress, 12 Inch King Size Hybrid Mattress, King Mattress in A Box, Individual Pocket Springs with Memory Foam Layer Provide Motion Isolation & Cool Sleep, 2024 New

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상품가격 $449.99
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NO MOTION TRANSFER MATTRESS: Our mattress features the latest individually wrapped coil system, providing excellent edge support and superior flexibility to adapt to adjustable bases effortlessly. Each coil is pocketed and individually wrapped, eliminating tangling and ensuring zero motion transfer. So, even if your partner tosses and turns, you won\'t feel a thing!DURABILITY & SUPPORTIVE: Our mattress is built to last! All foam layers are crafted with high-density foam for exceptional comfort and long-lasting durability. With a full foot of high-density foam, we guarantee no sagging and long-lasting comfort. Plus, multiple support layers offer increased firmness and targeted support where you need it most.PERFECT BALANCE BETWEEN COMFORT AND FIRMNESS: The Coolvie Mattress king size is the perfect balance between medium firmness and contouring comfort. It caters to all types of sleepers, from children to teens to adults. Rest assured, it\'s safe, healthy, and affordable for a night of blissful slumber!12INCH KING MATTRESS IN A BOX: Your Coolvie mattress is expertly compressed, rolled, and conveniently shipped in a box, making setup a breeze. It easily fits through narrow hallways and staircases, and it\'s compatible with all types of frames, including box spring, floor, slatted base, flat platform, or adjustable beds. Just a friendly reminder: Your mattress will fully expand within 24-72 hours of opening. The process may be faster in a warm room and slower in a cold environment. Enjoy your new mattress!100 DAYS SLEEPING NIGHT TRIAL: Discover the perfect mattress with our new Coolvie 12 inch king mattress! Experience ultimate comfort with our 100 nights trial and enjoy peace of mind with a 10-year service support. Need assistance? Our Coolvie customer support team is here to help you every step of the way!

2024-09-05 23:41:40

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