해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Philips Hue Secure Starter Kit With (1) Bridge, (1) Secure Wired Camera (White), (2) Secure Contact Sensor (White), (2) 75W A19 Bulb, White & Color Ambiance - Works With Security Center in the Hue App

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상품가격 $361.19
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WHAT’S IN THE BOX - Includes one Hue bridge, one white secure wired camera, two white secure contact sensors, two White and Color Ambiance smart 75W-equivalent A19 LED light bulbs; Perfect for safeguarding your home by monitoring it in real-timeUNLOCK THE FULL POWER OF HUE - The included Bridge gives you the full suite of smart home security features: light and sound alarms, the mimic presence automation, and the ability to expand your home security, or smart lighting, setup.SUPREME PEACE OF MIND - When armed, contact sensors send a real-time alert to your mobile device—and even trigger lights—as soon as someone opens a window, door, cabinet, or safe.TRIGGER YOUR LIGHTS - Use the contact sensors to turn your lights on—perfect for frequently used areas. Have the hallway light turn on when the front door opens or when you walk down the hallway, for example.CREATE A STUNNING AMBIANCE WITH DYNAMIC LIGHT EFFECTS - Set your lights in motion with effects that show subtle changes in brightness and color. Or choose presets like prism, candle, and fireplace. Personalize the effects in the Hue app.

2024-11-26 16:52:24

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