해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Medieval Fantasy Elden Ring Foam Sword for Video Game, Cosplay Costume, Collection, Gift

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상품가격 $32.99
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Material: PU FoamImmerse yourself in the captivating world of medieval fantasy with this meticulously designed foam sword, inspired by the popular video game.Perfectly suited for cosplay enthusiasts, this foam sword adds an authentic touch to your character portrayal, allowing you to recreate thrilling battles and epic scenes from the game.Crafted with attention to detail and safety in mind, this foam sword serves as an ideal costume prop, ensuring that your cosplay experience is both visually stunning and safe for everyone around you.Whether you\'re a dedicated fan of the video game or simply a collector of fantasy memorabilia, this foam sword makes for a remarkable addition to any collection.Manufacturer recommendation: age 15 years and up.
Unlock the essence of fantasy with these exquisite PU foam swords crafted for costume and cosplay enthusiasts. Immerse yourself in a world of mythical adventures as you wield these remarkably detailed and safe foam swords. Designed with precision, these weapons add a touch to your favorite characters and bring them to life in epic role-playing battles. Embrace the allure of legendary realms and become the hero you\'ve always admired. Whether you\'re attending a convention or engaging in spirited dress-up play, these PU foam swords are the perfect choice to complete your outfit and transport you to a realm of enchantment. Unleash your imagination and let the magic begin.

2024-11-27 12:41:09

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