해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
SUZZIPAD Cold Cap for Chemotherapy Patients, Migraine Relief Cap, Headache Ice Pack, Ice Cap for Chemo, Ice Hats for Migraines, Cancer Care for Women and Men, Comfort Items for Chemo Patients Black

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Scalp cooling for chemotherapy: Most cancer patients who receive chemotherapy suffer from scalp tingling. Suzzipad chemo cold cap is specifically designed to deal with it by cooling tightening up, or constricting blood vessels in the scalp to decrease the hair follicles\' activity and reduce the scalp tingling sensitivity.Great Investment for Migrainers: Natural Cold Compress Method - ice head wrap for migraines shrinks the blood vessel of head through cold, slows down the nerve conduction, relieve your muscular strain and your pain. Our Headache ice cap effectively relieving headaches, sinusitis, puffy eyes, swelling, and inflammation. Migraine ice cap also reduce stress and strain, providing deep relaxation and better sleep.One Size Fit All: Ice caps for migraines is combined by innovation malleable gel and stretchable Lycra, these highly elastic materials make this combo flexible. Migraine ice hat also designed as per ergonomics with 360° surrounding gel design, perfectly fit the top head and provides moderate pressure, not stiff as ice cube, closely and comfortably suits head. Above all special patented design to protect the ears from frostbite during cold therapy.Freezes Fast, Stays Cold Longer: Freezes in just an hour and stays cold longer than traditional cooling cap for chemotherapy. Our cold cap for chemotherapy patients are made of exclusive gel, which has no unpleasant smell, and maintains maximum flexibility even after prolonged freezing.Service -How to alleviate the hair loss problem caused by chemotherapy for patients is still a medical challenge. We are committed to developing chemo cold cap to help people.Enjoy a 20-minute cold compress after 2 hours of freezing! The cold compress time may vary depending on the room and body temperature. If you want a longer cold therapy time, you can have our replacement ice pack as a replacement to extend the therapy time.

2025-01-11 10:18:50

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