해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
PayLessHere Massage Table Massage Bed 3 Fold Portable Massage Table 73" L x 32" W Spa Bed Height Adjustable Lightweight Spa Table Lash Bed Facial Cradle Bed with Carry Case (Black)

상품번호 B0CLDHJ36W
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Beauty & Personal Care / Salon & Spa Equipment
브랜드 Brand: PayLessHere
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $59.99
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High-Quality Materials: The folding massage table cover is made of luxurious PVC leather and high elastic sponge. Spills and oils can be wiped away effortlessly form the massage bed and has no unpleasant smell like other synthetic materials. The high resilience oil and waterproof fabric used in this massage table ensure easy cleaning and maintenance.Portable and Lightweight Design: Our massage table features a 3-fold design, allowing for easy folding and portability. This portable massage bed is light weight, ensures hassle-free portability. The facial bed’s metal buckle and hand strap make setup and transportation a breeze, enhancing the overall user experience.Strong and Comfortable: The massage table has a thick sponge, high-quality beech and reinforced hardwood corner blocks, giving you a soft and comfortable experience. With a weight capacity of 450 lbs, the massage bed can support different body types and sizes. The anti-slip pads well prevent unwanted slide during the use.Adjustable Height, Headrest and Backrest: Customize your massage experience with the adjustable features of this massage table. The massage bed height can be easily adjusted from 24" to 34", allowing you to find the perfect working height. The lash bed headrest can be positioned from 0 to 90 degrees, the tilting backrest is lift-able from 0 to 70 degree.Easy to Set Up and Customer Guarantee: The installation of this massage bed does not require tools. All we had to do was open/unfold massage bed from the middle and the legs automatically fell into place. We also provide a customer guarantee and our dedicated customer service team is ready to assist you with any inquiries or concerns you may have.
Description: Discover the ultimate in relaxation and comfort with our Portable Massage Table. Whether you\'re a professional massage therapist, esthetician, or simply in need of a versatile spa bed for your home, this massage table is designed to elevate your experience. With its foldable and portable lightweight design, sturdy construction, and high-quality materials, it\'s a must-have for anyone seeking the perfect massage or lash bed. With simple settings and our customer guarantee, this portable massage table is a reliable choice for all your massage needs.

2024-07-11 00:51:35

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