해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
SereneSleep King Size Sheets Set Navy- 4 Pieces Premium Quality Bed Sheets King Size - Extra Soft, Easy Care Bedding Sets King - Brushed Microfibre Hypoallergenic, Stain Resistant (King, Navy)

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브랜드 Brand: SreneSleep
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $23.99
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4 Pieces Bed Sheet Set: Set Includes King Size Fitted sheets Deep Fit, Flat sheet and 1 Pillowcase. Fitted Sheet (78\'\' x 80\'\'), Flat Sheet (108\'\'x102\'\') and 2 Pillow Case (20\'\'x40\'\')Perfect Deep Pocket Fit: Fit the mattresses up to around 16 inches deep fit. Our fitted sheets are just fine to fit mattress even smaller than 16 inches. This is a good universal size that fits most mattresses.Premium Quality Microfiber: Super softer, luxury and finer touch. These are made with fine quality brushed microfiber fabric. Breathable bed sheets are all around the year relaxation! These are moisture and fade resistant and designed for all seasons warm in the winter and cooling sheets in the summer.Luxury Feel: These are breathable, cool and super soft. The comfort of these sheets are very good and these are softer than egyptian cotton and organic cotton sheets! Best for any room in your house - bedroom, guest room, kids room. Great gift idea for men and women, Moms and Dads, Valentine\'s - Mother\'s - Father\'s Day and Christmas.Fade Resistance: Not only do our bedding sets & collections come in multiple colors, they won\'t fade on you after multiple washes our bed sheet set is totally machine washable to give you peace of mind!
Complete Bed Sheet Set with Deep Pocket Fitted Sheets. Bed sheet set includes Flat Sheet, Fitted Sheet and Pillowcase is perfect for a good nights. These Microfiber sheets are hypoallergenic, which is highly beneficial for people with sensitive skin. Primarily, this means they\'re unlikely to cause allergic reactions because allergens aren\'t trapped in the fabric fibers. Available colours: White, Navy, Bottle Green, Linen, Grey. Available sizes: 3pcs Twin Sheet Set, 4pcs Full Sheet Set, 4pcs Queen Sheet Set, 4pcs King Sheet Set and 4pcs Cal King Sheet Set to suit your home, this soft Microfiber sheets are good fit for children, The sheet is soft, comfortable, breathable, and durable, and keeps little ones super cozy on colder nights. It is machine washable. Perfect Fit Our fitted sheets have deep pockets to easily fit mattresses up to 15 inches so making the bed takes half the time. Fits comfortably over mattress toppers and air mattresses, too! Features: Premium 100% Brushed Microfiber Fabric Luxuriously, Buttery Soft Breathable, Cooling Machine Washable & Stain for Easy Cleaning Resistant to Tearing, Shrinking and Fading! We love giving our customers the gift of deep, luxurious sleep at an affordable price. We have high standards for our bed sheet set, and work hard to uphold those standards and keep our customers happy. Our hotel quality, ultra soft sheet set will leave you sleeping deeply. Customer Satisfaction: is our top priority and so if you have any issues, please feel free to contact our dedicated and professional team, who is always available for any enquiries and customer support. We have a refund/return policy to our clients, which is always offered for 30 days.

2024-10-01 23:57:34

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