해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
GREBSTK 2 inch Professional Wood Chisel for Woodworking, CR-V Steel Bevel-Edge Bench Chisel, Comfortable Extra Large PVC High Impact Handle

상품번호 B0CLJ1KLS2
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상품가격 $11.99
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Crafted from high-quality chrome vanadium(Cr-V) steel with increased hardness(HRC58-62 degrees) and enhanced wear resistance, featuring precise and sharp edges. Chrome vanadium steel is less susceptible to deformation and breakage, ensuring a longer service life.The total length of the chisel is 10.6 inches with cutting edge sizes of 2". Each cutting edge is honed and buffed for immediate use.The comfortable grip of the 5-inch long PVC colored high-impact handle is not only aesthetically pleasing but also sturdy and durable, resistant to hammer impact without easily deforming or breaking.The sharp beveled edge facilitates high-precision engraving on various soft wood, hard wood, and laminated wood products. Additionally, the knife edge is coated with rust-proof oil while all tips have protective covers to safeguard the knife edge.The 2 inch GREBSTK chisel tool is a great addition to your chisel set.

2025-01-07 02:49:31

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