해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Kohree 16' Rv Awning Fabric Replacement, 19oz Durable Heavy Duty Weatherproof Anti-Fading Awning Fabric with Pull Strap, Outdoor Canopy for Camper, Trailer, Motorhome, Black Fade, (Fabric 15'2")

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상품가격 79.99
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Upgrade Ultra-Durable Material: Kohree RV Awning Fabric is made of 19oz solution-dyed fabric for this RV awning fabric replacement, which is thicker than other 13oz vinyl fabric replacements. Not easily torn during installation and use. The hot-pressing process fuses both side edgings completely, ensuring a stable and neat finish without fringes or burrs.Heavy Duty 4-layer Design: The camper awning replacement has a 4-layer design, including a Black coating(50 UPF+ UV Resistant), High-quality vinyl fabric, 1000D high-strength polyester, and a waterproof white underside. The Black awning appearance blends with the sky, providing reliable outdoor coverage for you wherever your RV stops.Choose Suitable Awning Size: Carefully measure the distance from the centerline of one awning arm to the centerline of the other to ensure the correct fabric size for your RV, camper, or motorhome. Make sure the fabric size you order is slightly smaller than this distance. For example, if the length is 16 feet, choose the size 16 feet (Fabric 15\'2").Easy to Install: The package comes with installation instructions to give you a direction. If you want to know more in detail, watch the linked video. In addition, we have adopted a more scientific folding method to ensure that the awning fabric you receive will not cause wear and tear during transportation.Best Choice: Package Included: 1 x Rv awning fabric, 1 x pull cord, 1 x guide plate, 1 x clear RV awning repair tape. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Kohree Team is Committed to providing good RV accessories and services for RV enthusiasts.

2024-11-26 07:03:37

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