해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
DWT Sliding Miter Saw, 12-inch Compound Miter Saw with Double Bevel Cutting(-45°/0°/+45°)/Laser Guide/9 Positive Stops/3800RPM, 15Amp Miter Saw with Extension Table, 4.2x13in Cutting Capacity-HM1247A

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상품구분 Tools & Home Improvement / Power & Hand Tools
브랜드 Brand: DWT
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $249.99
상품가격 상세보기

?Good Gift Idea for New Year? -?? ??? ???? ??? ?????????, ?????? ???? ??? ???? ???? ?? ??? ?????? ??? ??????? ??, ?? ???? ??????? ?????? 24 ?????.?????? ????? ???????: With the dual-bevel feature, the saw offers up to 45° of adjustable angle in both vertical and horizontal directions (left or right). The angle of the miter bench is -45°/0°/+45°, and it is equipped with 9 braking devices. The stopping positions are 0°, 15°, 22.5°, 30° and 45°.Ensures precise and versatile cutting for every requirement.???????? ???????????: Equipped with a sturdy 15Amp motor, the miter saw delivers superior cutting power, allowing you to handle a variety of materials with ease. The motor provides a maximum speed of 3800RPM, ensuring efficient and precise cutting.????? ?????: The DWT 12-inch miter saw is equipped with a laser that accurately tracks real-time position and allows you to make precise adjustments, allowing you to easily achieve professional-grade results.?��?????? ?????? ????? & ????????? ?????: An extension table with a vise clamp provides better support and balance for added stability when cutting. The sliding cutting design can cut longer boards. It is constructed from stainless steel castings, giving you a sturdy saw that can withstand the rigors of daily work on the job site.????? ???????????: The extra debris bag attaches directly to the saw and helps collect sawdust on the workpiece during the cutting process. The 35mm dust port allows you to connect the vacuum cleaner with an adapter to capture more dust.??????? ????????: DWT advanced 12-inch 15-amp miter saw, 1*12-inch pre-installed saw blade, 1* dust bag, 1*hexagonal wrenches, 1* clamping device, 1* user Manual, 12 months Warranty.

2024-02-13 21:10:22

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