해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
52TOYS BEASTBOX BB-60 Hurrican Deformation Toys Action Figure, Converting Toys in Mecha and Cube, Perfect Birthday Party Gift for Teens and Adults, Based on Scorpions

상품번호 B0CLVDC339
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상품가격 $59.99
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52TOYS (pronounced five two). Play for fun."BEASTBOX series was launched in 2016 by 52TOYS and is an original take on robotic-styled creatures that transform into cubes. 52TOYS has launched over 100 BEASTBOX products to date which are segregated into Dinosaur/ Beast/ Aquatic/ Bird/ Insect factions. Click our Storefront to see our entire range of Beastbox."【Dual Shape of Mecha Scorpions and Cube 】Transform Hurrican from cube mode to mecha model and back again in minutes! The whole body of it has fully adjustable joints, allowing to display in a variety of poses.【High Quality ABS Material】Made of high quality PVC/ABS.100% BPA-free & Non-toxic. It is also approved by ASTM, CPC, and CPSIA Standard Safety Specification.【Dimension & Accessories】Each Hurrican package includes a 30mm movable driver figure and an elaborate instruction manual, making it easy to transform and bring joy. Toy size about 27cm/10.6inch, package size 30.5x10.2x25cm/12x4x9.8inch.【Extra play value】If you collect more 52TOYS BEASTBOX and MEGABOX toys, you can peg the cubes into "a display wall" by interlocking the Box chargers upwards or side by side for neat and easy storage.【Perfect Gifts】Perfect for senior collectors looking for a more advanced converting figure. This creative BEASTBOX Hurrican action figure makes the perfect birthday, Christmas, Halloween and holiday gift for your kids.【CAUTION】CHOKING HAZARD. Contains small parts not suitable for children under 3 years. Avoid placing your fingers in the gap of the joint, there exist the risk of pinching fingers. Recommend for ages 15 and up.

2024-07-10 05:44:58

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