해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Lights for Arrma Mojave 4s Taillights Rear Red Lights Scale Look Kit LED Plug and Play

상품번호 B0CM1JF4CW
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상품가격 $14.99
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Plug & Play Installation: Installing these lights is a breeze with our plug-and-play feature. No complex setups or confusing instructions—just a seamless, straightforward installation process.Optimal Voltage Range: These taillights operate at their best within a voltage range of 4 to 8 volts, with a sweet spot at 6v. This range ensures efficient performance and longevity. Plugs Directly to Channel 3Easy to Mount: Our kit includes all necessary hardware and power distribution boards, ensuring a hassle-free and secure mounting experience.Improve the visibility of your Arrma Mojave 4s in low light conditionsExperience a new level of excitement and aesthetics in your RC adventures.
Lights for Arrma Mojave 4s Taillights Rear Red Lights Scale Look Kit LED Plug and Play Features: High-intensity red LEDs for maximum visibility Bash-proof construction for durability Scale-looking design for a realistic appearance Organic shape that adapts perfectly to the body\'s organic curves, simulating the headlights as part of the body Easy to install Benefits: See better in low-light conditions Drive with confidence in all conditions Add a touch of realism to your Mojave 4S Enhance the overall look of your Mojave 4S Easy to install and use Whether you\'re bashing through the dirt or cruising down the street, these headlights will make your Mojave 4S stand out from the crowd.

2024-09-06 11:17:30

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