해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Archery Compound Bow Kit Steelball Bow Set Draw Weight 30-60Lbs, CNC Al-6061 Maded, Dual-use Hunting Bow can Shoot Arrow and Steel Ball in Car

상품번호 B0CM3D4GDK
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상품가격 $219.99
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【Compound Bow Information】 Brace height: 8.6 inches, draw length: 25.5-28.5 inches, draw weight: 30-60 lbs, axis-to-axis: 21 inches, arrow IBO: 86m/s, steel ball IBO: 105m/s , let-off: 80% .Weight: 4.3 pounds, bow size:65*35*7cm.【High Quality Compound Bow】 Bow handle: 6061 aluminum alloy, limbs: american gordon limbs, wheel: 6061 aluminum alloy. All CNC machining. Made of a high quality aluminum alloy. That is light and strong.High performance dual cam system. No arch press is required. shooting more stable and makes shooting less loud.【Multi-use Compound Bow 】 Dual-purpose compound bow which can shoot arrows and steel balls.Can be used for archery, catapult steel ball, shot fish,hunting,multipurpose, suitable for Left-handed and right-handed . No bow press is required.【High Performance Compound bow】 surwolf Compound Bow, Efficient, Accurate, Lightweight, Fast, Smooth, Shock Free And Very Quiet, An Excellent Choice For Target Shooting And Bow Hunting, Many Different Draw Weights For Your Choices. The Bow Length Is Suitable For Teenagers And Adults.【Compound Bow Set Package 】Steelball bow basic Set- Type A or Stellball bow upgrade Set-Type B.

2025-01-10 21:14:32

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