해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Black Obsidian Bracelet - Lion Bracelet - Tourmaline Beaded Bracelets, 8MM Black Onyx Hematite Lava Stone Beads Triple Protection Bracelet for Men Women Gifts

상품번호 B0CM95PPN1
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상품구분 Handmade Products / Jewelry
브랜드 Brand: GDLKPYHS
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인
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상품가격 $14.99
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【Triple Protection】This obsidian bracelet is made from a combination of three natural gemstones, black onyx, hematite and lava stone known for their protective properties, giving you triple protective energy. Wearing this bracelet regularly can effectively remove negative energy from the body and promote new energy, helping to eliminate fatigue and stress.【Natural Gemstone】True obsidian is a guardian stone that brings peace and good luck, allowing us to be protected, encouraged and balanced. Lava stone has strong adsorption properties, is able to absorb and convert negative energy, and can also act as an essential oil diffuser to make your favorite fragrance last all day. Hematite is also a well-known protective and grounding power stone, as it can eliminate negative emotions and purify the body from emotional stress.【Inspiration Design】This men\'s bracelet has a range of unique design matches, made up of a triple protection bracelet and a lion bracelet as a combination set. Whether worn alone or stacked with other bracelets, this crystal bracelet adds a trendy and chic touch to any outfit, making it perfect for both casual and formal occasions.【Exquisite Craftsmanship】 Each natural bead is a high-quality genuine gemstone, carefully selected by hand one by one. Original design and coming with meaning card which is especially for your man to make sure your gift is unique and a surprise to him. This charm bracelet is retractable and has an inner ring size of about 7.5 inches, which fits most men\'s and teenagers\' wrists.【After-Sales Service】 100% refund if not satisfied. GDLKPYHS is looking forward to bringing you a satisfactory shopping experience, if you have any questions about our products, please feel free to contact us, our service team will answer and provide satisfactory solutions within 24 hours.

2024-05-15 11:14:37

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