해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Interactive Accordion Birthday Card – Musical Birthday Cards for Men, Music Present for Men, Musicians & Son, Happy Birthday Card for Men, Musicians Gift, Open/Close to Play Song (Red - XL)

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상품가격 $11.95
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???? ??? ????? ??? ????????? ?? ???? \'????? ????????\' - Gift this interactive accordion birthday card to your special someone for a truly memorable and fun birthday! This revolutionary interactive card features a concertina design that, when pushed and pulled, actually plays "Happy Birthday" in time with the recipient\'s hand movements.??? ???????? ???? ??? ????? ?????? - Forget boring old birthday cards that don\'t do anything! Our unique musical birthday cards for men & women will add a touch of luxury and magic to your birthday greeting, and will be remembered forever! It\'s the ultimate musical instruments card if you\'re looking for musician gifts for men, mom gifts, or happy birthday card gifts for mom, dad or sister.???????? ??????????? ?????? ????????? ?? ? ????-??????? ???? - Every 100 Greetings birthday card is made with thick, premium paper stock and colorful, high-quality print. This accordion birthday card also includes advanced motion technology that senses the recipient\'s hand movements and plays the music in sync! Dimensions: 8.25 x 5.75?? ???????? ??????? ???????? ???? ??? ??? ???? - This truly original birthday card provides BIG FUN for music lovers of all ages! Give your friends or loved ones a moment of happiness with a magical musical birthday greeting that is guaranteed to bring a smile to their face. A super fun option if you\'re looking for guitar accessories gifts for men, gifts for guitar players, guitar gifts for men & women.???? ??????? ???????? ???? ??? ????????? - Our mission is to create real emotional connections between people by combining art and technology into truly memorable greeting cards for any occasion. Invest in the best to send a gift that keeps on giving, and create a little moment of happiness for your special someone. Check out our exciting range if you\'re looking for greeting cards for other occasions!

2024-07-10 12:24:32

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