해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Executive Office Chair Ergonomic Leather Office Chair, Wide Home Office Chair with Adjustable Flip-up Arm, High Back Computer Desk Chair with Rocking Function, Wheels, Lumbar Support (Black)

상품번호 B0CMD454XX
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상품가격 $199.99
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Comfy Office Chair - When you are looking for a comfortable office chair, then you cannot miss our chairs. BestEra executive office chair adopts high-grade contact surface, which is soft and skin-friendly. The extended backrest provides sufficient back and waist support, and the thickened seat cushion allows you to sit for long periods of time without getting tired.Rocking Function - The backrest of the high back office chair can enter the rocking state by pulling out the lever , then push the lever to lock the tilt angle between 90°-115°. This desk chair also provides 3-inch seat height adjustment that can fit most desks and meet personalized use. The armrests can be flipped up 90 degrees to save space when not in use. Suitable for any space: home, office, conference room, reception room and study room.Ergonomic Design - The S-shaped high backrest of our ergonomic office chair adopts ergonomic design to provide comprehensive support for shoulders, back and waist, reducing your back pain. Different from other thin and hard cushions, our seat cushion is equipped with 20-independent springs and high-rebound sponge, allowing you to sit for a long time without feeling pressure on your hips and legs.Trustworthy Quality - Certified by SGS and BIFMA to ensure the safety and durability of the home office chair. This leather chair selects a high-quality surface and is fairly simple to clean and maintain. The surface of the 360° rotating casters is made of soft PU material, which is not easy to scratch the floor and moves smoothly and noiselessly. The weight capacity is 300lbs.Great After-sale Service - It is easy to assemble the computer chair, we provide detailed installation manuals and clear installation videos for your installation reference. We promise a one-year warranty. If you have any product problems, please contact our professional after-sales team via email, and we will provide you with a satisfactory solution as quickly as possible.

2024-09-29 16:34:12

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