해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
TV Antenna for Smart TV Indoor-Pro TV Antenna with 1000+ Miles Range,Indoor Outdoor TV Antenna Support 4K 8K 1080p Fire Stick-Digital Antenna for Smart TV Receive All Local Channels-30ft Coaxial Cable

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상품구분 Electronics / Television & Video
브랜드 Brand: Ragnal
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $61.99
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1000 Miles Long Range TV Antenna: Tv antenna for smart tv indoor, equip with 2024 Enhance Smart ic chip and HIGH-QUALITY signal amplifier, ensure the stability of signal reception, access to more free channels. Experience new over the air TV as soon as it\'s available in your area. Enjoy premium audio, richer color, faster refresh rates!Indoor and Outdoor Antenna: Indoor TV Antenna can receive signals from 360 Degree direction. TV Antenna with 30ft HDTV cable can work great in anywhere,especially for customers whose televisions are quite far away from windows. 2024 best rated antenna also works as a portable antenna in RV or tent on your next trip. Get this digital antenna now, Let Digital antenna bring you and your family, friends, colleagues and customers more happier time!Free Full HD Local Channels: Say goodbye to the bill! Enjoy hundreds of 0 COST channels with no pixelation, Brings scenes to life! Our HD antenna can receive FULL HD Channels like ABC, CBS, NBC, PBC, Fox and SO MUCH MORE. With our amplified tv antenna free to access all of the news, sitcoms, kids and sports programs!Easy to install with 30ft coaxial cable: Face the TV antenna in the direction of your local signal tower and scan for channels. Try different mounting locations using the convenient 3m adhesive stickers power-grip and mounting screws. TV Antenna with 30ft HDTV cable can work great in anywhere,especially for customers whose televisions are quite far away from windows including on a wall behind your tv or even stand on the table.24 HRS After-sales Guaranteed: If you have problems with smart TV antenna, please don\'t hesitate to contact us, our tv antenna support teams are ready to help you with at any time!Additionally, we offer free telephone consultations from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM (PST) on weekdays, Monday through Friday

2025-01-07 05:15:40

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