해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Mens Compression Shirt Slimming Body Shaper Vest Workout Tank Tops Abs Abdomen Undershirts

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상품가격 $31.44
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Do you want to bulid confidence without"man boobs" ? Do you want your belly fat exercise into muscle? Do you want to own a perfect heathy figure? Eleady slimming body shaper serves the needs of a man who is struggling with aging and body image due to enlarged fat pockets on the chest,boosting your confidence during weight loss journey. WHAT OUR SLEEVELESS WORKOUT SHIRTS CAN DO FOR YOU: 1.Scientific design and compression of this body shaping vest helps you flatten abdomen, firm tummy, hides "man boobs" and "beer belly" immediately,give you instantly slimming shape at utmost. 2.High compression shirt will slim and firm and tone your upper torso,highlight your abs,perfect for post-surgery compression,tighten and shrink your bulging stomach,provide back support to promote better posture. 3.Comfortable and durable fabric for ultimate comfort and freedom of movement ,men running vest enough to be worn with workout wear or everyday clothes,helps you fit into your favorite pair of jeans or tailored business suits comfortably. 4.Better for improving blood circulation and fat burning, help you lose weight, keep fit and have a sleeker slimmer appearance instantly. SIZE GUIDE: Take your measurements and read our size chart to ensure this body shirt is sized to snug fit your body. Small: Fits 26.7-28.7 Inch Waistline; Medium:Fits 29.1-31.1 Inch Waistline; Large:Fits 31.5-33.4 Inch Waistline; X-Large:Fits 33.8-35.8 Inch Waistline; XX-Large:Fits 36.2-38.1 Inch Waistline; XXX-Large:Fits 38.5-40.5 Inch Waistline; XXXX-Large:Fits 40.9-43.0 Inch Waistline; Warm Tip: It is recommended to wash it after each use, particularly after exercising. Hand wash in cold water with a soft detergent,squeeze out and drain. Package: 1 x Compression Muscle Tank Top

2024-02-13 21:08:00

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