해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Outdoor Heavy Duty Volleyball Net Set, Anti-Sag Design, Adjustable Aluminum Poles, Portable Volleyball Net for Backyard,Grass and Beach

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상품가격 $149.99
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???????????? ?????? ??? ?????? ?????????:Volleyball net set using high-strength aluminum pole manufacturing, frosted surface spraying treatment, and the use of 3-stage design, the overall lightweight at the same time, the structure is also more stable, adjustable volleyball net height support 3-speed adjustment (Men\'s Height 8\', COED Height 7\'8", Women\'s Height 7\'4"), suitable for a variety of sports scenarios;???????????? ?????????? ??? (32\'? ? 3\'?):Outdoor professional volleyball net is PE material, standard mesh,thickened netting rope, volleyball net edge is waterproof material, while the bottom with drainage holes, can be used in the outdoor, outdoor volleyball net edge made wider design and with reinforced corner, both sides 4 sewing production, to prevent tearing, so that the product more durable;????? ???????? ?????????? ????? ??????: Backyard volleyball net sets are equipped with a winch system on the racking poles, which combined with the high-strength nylon rope on top of the net, can better keep the net stretched and horizontal, made of stainless steel, with a sliding adjustable torque and a fixed handle, which is not easy to be lost, and is more convenient to use;???? ?? ???????:Portable volleyball net rack pole with push-button locking system installation / removal design, equipped with a multi-functional storage bag that allows you to portable storage, portable, can be installed within 10 minutes, you can easily volleyball training and games in the backyard, beach, park and other venues;???????? ???????????:The beach volleyball net set has thickened design of tension rope and ground spike, and also has aluminum alloy adjustment buckle and rubber hammer, which can make the whole heavy-duty volleyball net support more stable. The volleyball boundary line is equipped with a storage rack, which can be quickly stored after each use without worrying about the knotting problem, and the product is equipped with PU volleyball and pump with scoring device;??????? ??????????? ???????? ?????: Volleyball net set is equipped with a new pole base, which reduces sinking when used on the beach and prevents the pole from slipping when used on the grass, making the whole sports experience more exciting!

2024-07-10 03:54:10

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