해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Founders Club Generation 2 Organizer Golf Cart Bag for Men with 14 Way Head Lock Anti Rattle Divider Top

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상품가격 $179.95
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Club Management Design Top- Molded 14 Way Top Organizer protects irons from damage as well as keeping clubs from rattling/clanging and making noise. Each iron, wood, and putter has it’s own dedicated spot so you will always find the club you need quickly and notice when a club is missing. The putter spot accepts larger grips up to 1 ¾” in diameterHigh Quality lightweight construction – This cart bag comes with a large, reinforced and sturdy base and several handles to make lifting your clubs out of the trunk and onto your cart a breeze. The bag comes with 2 integrated side grab handles and a bottom handle built into the cooler pocket. It also has a rear grab handle and a tuck away padded carry strap. The Cart Bag also includes a strap channel to secure your bag and clubs to your cart.Equipped with 9 zippered pockets and 2 mesh pockets for ample storage for all your gear and accessories- Includes an insulated cooler pocket with drains to keep your favorite on course beverage cool, 2 additional front/ball pockets, 2 front side mesh pockets, 2 long side expandable pockets for bulky rain gear and shoes, 2 side velour lined pockets for valuables, and 2 additional side pockets.Plenty of add on features to make your time on the course more enjoyable and easy to manage- The bag includes an external tee holder, an umbrella holder, a D clip to clip on golf towels and range finders, a glove holder, and snap on rain hood.This bag comes with a full 12 month warranty from Founders Club and the assurance of dealing with a US based golf company that has been around since 1990.
The Founders Club Premium 14 Way Organizer Cart Bag is the perfect way to carry all your own course equipment. The Molded 14 Way top has space designed to hold irons, woods, and your putter securely and with easy access. Your irons will not rattle as you are driving down the fairway and you will not have to worry about chipping the finish on your new Driver. With a Valuables pocket, cooler pocket among ten zippered pockets you will be able to separate and organize all your golfing accessories.

2024-06-06 22:44:51

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