해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Two Pack Knee Brace,Knee sleeve,Knee Brace for Meniscus Tear,Knee Compression Sleeve for Knee Pain

상품번호 B0CMW4RLG2
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상품구분 Health & Household / Medical Supplies & Equipment
브랜드 Brand: Lumina Health
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상품가격 $5.99
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Suffering from Knee Pain? Look No Further. Introducing LUMINA Knee Brace designed with cutting edge Technology to support knee post sports injury, surgery, arthritis or everyday tiredness stiffnessRight Fit Matters! We designed Knee Sleeves in Multiple Sizes, knee support for men, knee sleeves for women , knee brace for arthritis pain and support available in Medium, Large or X- Large sizeActive Smart Knee Brace - Uniquely Designed to keep you sweat free, Breathable knee compression sleeve for knee pain, perfect for sports, football accessories, knee brace patella stabilizerMulti Use - knee brace for working out, knee pain relief products, knee massager, knee wraps, knee sleeves weightlifting, knee strapHigh Quality Material: 60% Nylon, 30% Elastic, 10% SpandexLooking for Gift Ideas? Well LUMINA Knee Brace can be a perfect gift for your loved ones and will take away all their Knee pain!
LUMINA Knee brace is made with elastic material that adapts to the contour of your knee, to give stability to the movement when performing exercises. The knees are the part of the body that suffers the most wear and tear and that is why knee pain prevents you from doing the exercise you like to do. The meniscus, which are like pads inside the knee, if you do not achieve stability with knee pads that give firmness and stability, in the long run they will cause knee pain, and it can \'take you out of the game\', that is, knee pain It will prevent you from continuing to exercise. Our pair of knee pads has been designed to give stability and support to your knees. The knee joint works based on many ligaments, including the ACL, which is the cruciate ligament, since it passes inside the knee, and behind the patella or patella. Stability in the knee sometimes needs support from a knee brace for exercise, without this causing immobility during exercise. Sports and orthopedic knee braces for knee pain should not impede movement, but rather support the patellar joint. If we put as an example, using knee pads for elliptical, it will give you more security when performing burpees, and that you can give your maximum effort, without worrying about knee pain. These are just some of the reasons why it is not necessary for you to have knee pain to use compression and stability knee pads, since the preventive use of knee pads like the ones offered by LUMINA will prevent you from having discomfort and pain in the future. There are several designs of knee braces, however, it is important not to use knee pads that have not been proven effective. Knee pads for knee pain that stimulate blood circulation by generating a gentle compression in the knee joint are the ones that will give you the best results to continue growing towards the top of success in your favorite sport.

2024-06-08 07:37:46

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