해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
KeaBabies Suction Plates for Baby, Toddler - 3-Pack 100% Silicone Toddler Plates, Divided Baby Plates with Suction, Silicone Plates for Baby, Kids, BPA-Free, Microwave, Dishwasher Safe (Alps)

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상품가격 $16.96
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Best Suction Plates - KeaBabies Prep Silicone Plates feature extra-strong PrepGrip Suctions that stick firmly to any flat surface on high chairs/tables. This prevents your baby from tipping or tossing their plate, encouraging independent, mess-free eating.100% Pure Silicone - Our Prep Toddler Suction Plates are 100% food-grade, BPA-free, and safe to use in microwave, dishwasher, and freezer. Crafted from premium weighted silicone, these toddler plates are unbreakable and retain their color when pinched.All-New PrepGrip Suctions - Our patent-pending 4-point PrepGrip Suctions with smart tabs ensure strong adherence to any smooth surface and enable easy, spill-free plate removal. Simply lift the smart tabs to release the air before removing the plate.Divided Sections - Excite your baby with a variety of foods and vibrant colors, encouraging them to explore different options, ideal for baby-led weaning. The deep curvature of this divided plate enables easy scooping, promoting independent eating.Enjoyable Mealtimes - Elevate your baby\'s connection with food and mealtime with our mess-free suction plates. The fun, visually appealing design of these toddler plates makes mealtime engaging and enjoyable, even for the pickiest eaters.

2024-07-10 07:27:20

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