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Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max, 256GB, Blue Titanium - AT&T (Renewed)

상품번호 B0CMZ58ZN7
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상품가격 $731.90
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6.7inch Super Retina XDR display. ProMotion technology. Always-On display. Titanium with textured matte glass back. Action buttonDynamic Island. A magical way to interact with iPhone. A17 Pro chip with 6-core GPUPro camera system. 48MP Main | Ultra Wide| Telephoto. Super-high-resolution photos (24MP and 48MP). Next-generation portraits with Focus and Depth Control. Up to 10x optical zoom rangeEmergency SOS via satellite. Crash Detection. Roadside Assistance via satelliteUp to 29 hours video playback. USB-C, Supports USB 3 for up to 20x faster transfers. Face ID
PRODUCT OVERVIEWiPhone 15 Pro Max. Forged in titanium and featuring the groundbreaking A17 Pro chip, a customizable Action button, and the most powerful iPhone camera system ever. Key FeaturesFORGED IN TITANIUM — iPhone 15 Pro Max has a strong and light aerospace-grade titanium design with a textured matte-glass back. It also features a Ceramic Shield front that’s tougher than any smartphone glass. And it’s splash, water, and dust resistant.ADVANCED DISPLAY — The 6.7” Super Retina XDR display with ProMotion ramps up refresh rates to 120Hz when you need exceptional graphics performance. Dynamic Island bubbles up alerts and Live Activities. Plus, with Always-On display, your Lock Screen stays glanceable, so you don’t have to tap it to stay in the know.GAME-CHANGING A17 PRO CHIP — A Pro-class GPU makes mobile games feel so immersive, with rich environments and realistic characters. A17 Pro is also incredibly efficient and helps to deliver amazing all-day battery life.POWERFUL PRO CAMERA SYSTEM — Get incredible framing flexibility with 7 pro lenses. Capture super high-resolution photos with more color and detail using the 48MP Main camera. And take sharper close-ups from farther away with the 5x Telephoto camera on iPhone 15 Pro Max.CUSTOMIZABLE ACTION BUTTON — Action button is a fast track to your favorite feature. Just set the one you want, like Silent mode, Camera, Voice Memo, Shortcut, and more. Then press and hold to launch the action.PRO CONNECTIVITY — The new USB-C connector lets you charge your Mac or iPad with the same cable you use to charge iPhone 15 Pro Max. With USB 3, you get a huge leap in data transfer speeds. And you can download files up to 2x faster using Wi-Fi 6E.VITAL SAFETY FEATURES — If your car breaks down when you’re off the grid, you can get help with Roadside Assistance via satellite. And if you need emergency services and you don’t have cell service or Wi-Fi, you can use Emergency SOS via satellite. With Crash Detection, iPhone

2024-11-30 09:07:32

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