해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Cordless LED Work Light for Dewalt 20V Battery,90W 5400ML LED Wide Beam Flood Light with Two USB Charging Port LED Light for Emergency,Workshop,Garage.(No Battery)

상품번호 B0CMZW7HG3
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상품가격 $23.99
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【Compatible with dewalt batteries】—— 1. This portable work light does not contain any batteries, it is just a bare tool. 2. If not in use, please remove the LED light from the battery, otherwise it will drain the battery power. 3.This cordless LED work light is specially designed for dewalt 20v batteries, such as suitable for dewalt DCB200 DCB201 DCB203 DCB204 DCB205 DCB206, etc. If you use this cordless chandelier on your product, you can get rid of the tangles and constraints of ropes.【Low Voltage Protection】—— Equipped with overload, overcurrent, overheating, and low voltage protection this product is designed to ensure that the battery tools stops working when the voltage drops below 15V.and use it with confidence to avoid overdischarge of the battery and damage battery.【84 LED beads technolocy】——90W 9000LM for light work light has 120-degree adjustable angle for varies situation and Led lens to enhance the illumination for larger area coverage with of brightness to help you save energy better.【Waterproof and Durable】—— Waterproof in daily life, say goodbye to rain, can be used safely for outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, fishing, and hunting.The back is carefully designed with an aluminum alloy shell, which is impact-resistant and corrosion-resistant, and efficiently and quickly dissipates heat.Please note!!! Do not over discharge, it may damage the battery!【Two USB Interfaces】It also has 2 USB charging ports, which can be used as a charging power source to charge mobile phones, iPads, iPods and other small electronic devices when there is no power socket outdoors.

2024-06-07 18:06:24

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