해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Dixie Ultra® 34 OUNCE PAPER BOWL, 34 COUNT

상품번호 B0CN628GMX
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상품가격 $7.37
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NEW LOOK, SAME GREAT BOWL. Dixie disposable paper bowls have a fresh, new design and the same strength to make mealtime hassle-free. During this product transition, we cannot guarantee which design you will receive; rest assured that it’s the same great bowl either wayOur Ultra Big Bowls are perfectly sized for heavy meals, like thick soups and hearty stewsOur strong and sturdy bowls are microwaveable, cut-resistant and feature a Soak Proof Shield, plus they’re built with Flex-Proof Technology to handle heavy, messy foods like chili, spaghetti or stewsDixie Ultra plates and bowls are now backyard and commercially compostableWith sustainability and conservation in mind, our responsibly made products use virtually every part of the trees we process and the trees used for Dixie products are replenishedThis pack includes 34, 34 oz. disposable paper bowls
NEW LOOK, SAME GREAT BOWL! Our Dixie Ultra Big Bowl holds 34 oz. of food, so you can serve up hearty soups, broth-based meals and salads without worrying about spills. Dixie Ultra disposable bowls are also microwavable, cut resistant and have a Soak Proof Shield that’s designed to handle all types of meals. These bowls can hold up to 2 lbs. of food and are strong enough to handle whatever you can dish out. And with their stylish designs, Dixie Ultra products are always an easy and attractive alternative to using (and washing) real dishes. Count on Dixie Ultra products when you’re entertaining family or friends or planning a special event or celebration. After all, whether you’re hosting a holiday meal, planning a party or just grilling in the backyard, you’ll appreciate the convenience and peace of mind Dixie Ultra products bring. All Dixie branded paper bowls, cups and plates manufactured in Georgia-Pacific facilities are kosher certified by the Orthodox Union. Stock up today!

2024-06-03 19:04:45

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