해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
EUKI Dash Cam Front and Rear Camera with 5GWiFi GPS, 5K/4K 60fps+2.5K Dash Camera for Cars with Parking Monitoring, Free 64GB Card, App, 1.47" IPS Screen, HDR, Night Vision, 170°Wide Angle

상품번호 B0CN6CHR29
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상품가격 $59.99
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?【Real Ultra 5K dash cam front and rear camera】- The front single recording of this driving recorder can work in ultra high definition 5K 30fps/4K 60fps (the rear camera needs to be unplugged). When dual recording with front and rear cameras, the resolution can reach 4K 30fps+2.5K. With a 170° front wide-angle and 150° rear wide-angle, F1.8 large aperture, HDR. Reduce blind spots, preserve evidence during collisions, and capture crucial details with precision.?【Super Night Vision & HDR】- D900 Dash Cam has exceptional night vision capabilities with top-notch HDR starvis, an F1.8 aperture, and a 6-layer optical lens, it captures crucial details with crystal clarity even in low-light conditions. Setting a new standard for nighttime recording. Drive confidently knowing you won\'t miss a thing, day or night.?【 Build-in 5G WiFi/Smart APP Control】- The dash camera built-in 5G WiFi with blazing-fast data transfer (Note: Remote viewing on your phone from home is not supported; effective WiFi signal range is approximately 25 feet). The free \'Jarviscam\' app allows you to easily control the dashcams for cars, view, download (compatible with iPhone and Android), or share videos. With just one click you can share your travel scenery and wonderful moments with your friends and family.?【Dash Cam with GPS】- Our dash camera for cars has built-in GPS to record your driving route, real-time speed, and location. You can track on Google Maps via WiFi using the Jarviscam App or with our GPSPlayer, (Player download link and login code in the user manual). It is compatible with Windows and Mac systems, and this feature provides crucial evidence in case of accidents, ensuring you have comprehensive data at your fingertips.?【Seamless Loop Recording & G-sensor】- The D900 car camera will automatically overwrite the oldest videos with the latest when the SD card reaches its max storage, to achieve seamless loop recording. If the built-in gravity sensor is triggered by unusual collisions, the car dash cam will automatically lock the video to prevent important videos from being overwritten during loop recording and save them as evidence in case you need them.?【24 Hours Parking Monitoring】- Connect the dash cams to the hardwire kit (NOT INCLUDED) to realize the Time-lapse function, which can ensure the integrity of recorded content, save memory space, and help the camera for car achieve a 24H monitoring function.?【 Heat-Resistant & 512GB Max Support】- With a high heat resistance chipset and shell material, the dashcam front and rear camera has a longer lifetime and stable performance during working temperatures from -4~158℉ (-20~70℃). This 5K dash cam supports up to 512GB micro SD cards(64GB SD Card INCLUDED). Please use a micro SD card with a rating of Class 10 or higher and format the micro SD card when using it for the first time.?【 12-Month Warranty & Worry-Free Customer Care】- Every customer is fully covered by a one-year quality guarantee. For any problem with the car dash camera front and rear, please drop us a message through Amazon or send an email to our support team, and we will respond within 24 hours and provide a satisfactory solution.

2024-07-11 00:51:10

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