해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Glad Everyday Round Disposable Paper Bowls with Referee Football Design | Cut-Resistant, Microwavable Paper Bowls for All Foods & Daily Use | 16oz, 64 Count

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상품가격 $7.50
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16 OUNCE BOWLS – Paper bowls that are the right size for making everyday snacks or parties more magical with this sporty football designMICROWAVE SAFE - Feel confident reheating yesterday’s dinner with our microwave-safe paper products. From prep-time to clean-up, leftover night just leveled up!SOAK PROOF - On the hunt for sturdy disposable dishware? Glad paper products are soak proof to hold your favorite messy meals!REFEREE DESIGN PAPER BOWLS - Get your game face on and get ready to serve up the perfect snacks and game day meals on these football themed paper bowls.64 COUNT, EVERYDAY AND EVERY OCCASION – With sixty four to a pack, these sporty designs are perfect to have on hand for any occasion!
This sporty design will help you dress up your game day meals with style! Whether you’re dressing up daily dinners, serving up a fun snack time, or planning the perfect party, we believe in bringing a little magic to every mealtime. Glad Everyday bowls make mealtime easy. Made from the highest quality materials to be microwave safe and cut resistant, these fun football paper bowls will instantly dress up any dinner, dessert, snack, or meal at your table setting. These paper bowls are disposable, making cleanup easy for everyone. You can feel good about the tabletop you use when you dine with Glad. Glad brings you 16oz microwave safe disposable paper bowls, helping to make every meal or snack even more enjoyable. This is a package of 64 paper bowls in a black and white stripe referee design. Each of these disposable paper bowls in this 64-count package is made to be cut resistant to stand up to poking forks and soggy foods. Microwavable paper bowls like these can be safely used in the microwave to reheat your favorite meals so you can enjoy them again and again. Great for the young and young-at-heart: adults, kids, and toddlers. These disposable paper bowls work well for everyone and every occasion. They feature a referee design with black and white stripes. Sure to add colorful design flair to any table setting. Dine better with Glad. YOUR SATISFACTION IS OUR PRIORITY: If you have any questions or feedback, please reach out to us at Brand Buzz CP.

2024-07-10 03:31:11

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