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Discover Power Packed Junction Box Single Pole C45 250A Ukk250 Rail Type Bursting with 690V Boxed Din Split Power Distribution Blocks (Blue)

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상품구분 Industrial & Scientific / Industrial Electrical
브랜드 Brand: Generic
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $19.36
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Selling Summary: installation, selling description The product adopts a rail design, which is and to install. It does not require complicated and techniques. You only need to follow the instructions to it, saving you time.Connector: The connection is made of , with high conductivity, low temperature rise, stable and performance.Insulation : The box is made of flame retardant PA66, with good insulation, high temperature resistance, and resistance.Applicable Field: This for din rail distribution box can be used and bathroom areas, air conditioning device, device, home main circuits, etc.Box: box, single pole design, widely used in distribution cabinets, electrical boxes, and various high voltage cabinets.
1. JUNCTION BOX: Terminal block junction box, single pole design, widely used in distribution cabinets, electrical boxes, and various high voltage cabinets. 2. INSULATION SHELL: The junction box shell is made of flame retardant PA66, with good insulation, high temperature resistance, and resistance. 3. BRASS CONNECTOR: The connection block is made of excellent brass, with high conductivity, low temperature rise, stable and reliable performance. 4. MULTIPLE OUTLETS: The junction box has multiple outlet ports, with combination slot, which can be freely combined and matched to improve work efficiency. 5. APPLICABLE FIELD: This DIN rail distribution box can be used in kitchen and bathroom areas, air conditioning device, lighting device, home main switch circuits, etc. Specification: Item Type: Junction Box Material: PA66 Flame Retardant, Brass Current: 250A Voltage: 690V Incoming Line: 1x120mm² Outgoing Line: 2x35mm², 5x16mm², 4x10mm² packing list: 1 x Junction Box

2024-07-11 10:51:01

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