해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
125cc ATV - Fully Assembled, Automatic Engine with Reverse, Safety Kill Switch and Parking Brake, Rear Rack and Reinforced Body, Coolster ATV-3125F2 Mid-Sized, Sport Style Quad (Black)

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상품가격 $1,019.99
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Trail-Ready Performance: Whether you\'re exploring new trails or conquering familiar paths, the Coolster ATV-3125F2 is your ultimate companion. Its robust suspension, responsive handling, and 125cc fully automatic engine is perfect for riders of all levels, from beginners to seasoned enthusiasts. Make every ride an adventure to remember.Upgraded Rear Rack: The ATV-3125F2 features a more durable rear rack, providing you with ample space to carry your gear, supplies, or equipment for extended trail excursions.Reinforced Plastic Body: Built for resilience, the ATV-3125F2 boasts a reinforced plastic body that can withstand the rigors of off-road adventures. It\'s both durable and lightweight, ensuring you\'re ready for whatever the trail throws your way.Modern Headlights: Navigate trails confidently, even in low-light conditions, thanks to the modern headlights. Improved visibility ensures a safer and more enjoyable riding experience.Futuristic Aesthetics: The Coolster ATV-3125F2 redefines the off-road experience with its futuristic appearance. This eye-catching ATV is the first of its kind, featuring a sleek, modern design and metal grill that enhances both style and durability. The metal grille not only adds a bold touch to the ATV\'s design but also provides protection to vital components that\'s guaranteed to turn heads on any trail.NOT for sale in California
Coolster ATV-3125F2: A Futuristic 4x4 Quad for Trail Riding Experience the thrill of off-road adventures with the Coolster ATV-3125F2, a sporty and futuristic 4x4 quad that is truly one-of-a-kind. This remarkable vehicle boasts a reinforced plastic body, a sleek metal grille, modern LED headlights, and a more durable rear rack, making it stand out from the rest. Equipped with a powerful 125cc fully automatic engine, the Coolster ATV-3125F2 offers a seamless and hassle-free riding experience. Its advanced features ensure optimal performance and reliability, making it the perfect companion for trail riding enthusiasts. With its cutting-edge design and robust construction, this quad is built to withstand the challenges of rough terrains. Whether you\'re exploring muddy trails or conquering rocky paths, the Coolster ATV-3125F2 is engineered to deliver exceptional performance and durability. Don\'t miss out on the opportunity to own this groundbreaking quad. Experience the future of off-road riding with the Coolster ATV-3125F2, available now. Not for sale in California.

2025-01-06 23:58:17

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