해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
zhiwuzhu Magnetic Color and Number Maze, Montessori Toys for 3+ Year Old, Wooden Puzzle Activity Board, Ideal Gift Toys for Toddlers and Kids Boys Girls Preschoolers 3 4 5 Years Old

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? 【Magnetic Color and Number Maze】 - This magnetic toddler game features 55 magnetic beads in 10 distinct colors,perfect for kids aged 3 and up,children can joyfully engage in counting and matching,great for improving fine motor skills and learning colors and numbers.?【Montessori Interactive Learning Toys】 - Toys with multiple levels of difficulty never lose their value,Simple play - Magnetic wand easily guides beads through the maze from the left channel;Advanced play - The magnetic maze game has more complex and challenging routes, with the magnetic wand starting from the right channel and precise movements through the obstacles to help toddlers develop hand-eye coordination and problem solving skills.?【Safe & Chid-Friendly Design】 - This wooden magnetic montessori toy is made of extra thick, high quality natural wood and non-toxic water-based paint with smooth edges and corners, fixing with 8 nails to make sure it is sturdy and safe ,The high-quality acrylic sheet makes the board sturdy and durable, and the magnetic beads won\'t fall off and cause harm to children.?【Valuable Educational Learning Toys】 - This magnetic toddler toys is a fun way for children to learn while playing, practicing counting, color recognition, hand-eye coordination, and fine motor skills. Keeps kids engaged for hours.The precision required to move the tiles through the maze helps develop dexterity and control, setting the foundation for more advanced motor skills later in life.?【Perfect Toddler Gifts】 - This magnetic maze board is an ideal gift idea for kids and toddlers. Exercise children\'s fine motor skill hand-eye coordination, banish boredom and easy to clean.The perfect gift idea for birthdays, holidays, travel and other special occasions. It is an excellent toddlers\' toy for various places such as home,preschool, party,car, outdoor, travel and so on.

2024-02-13 22:19:25

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