해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Still Spinning: The Singles Collection

상품번호 B0CNKV8V34
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Limited 27 CD single box set. Dead or Alive have sold more than 30 million albums and 25 million singles worldwide and gave Stock Aitken Waterman their first #1 single. Their first three albums, which the band wrote, all reached the UK Top 30, with \'Youthquake\' reaching the Top 10. In the 1980s, they charted seven unique singles in the UK Top 40, with two further re-entries this century, with a remix and original version of \'You Spin Me Round (Like A Record)\'. Respected US magazine Billboard, ranked them in their all-time Top 100 most successful \'dance artists\' chart. This limited edition 27 CD box set collates the Singles originally released on CBS Records (Sony Music) and subsequently by the Band itself, with selected licenses that Pete Burns and Steve Coy made with other companies. To preserve the authenticity in this CD Singles Box Set, the tracks included on these CD Singles predominantly appeared on the various formats of the official international versions, so there will be instances where different B-sides were released, as well as the inclusion of a duplication of tracks from previous singles. The individual newly mastered re-issues, are packaged in replica mini-sleeves from across Dead or Alive\'s domestic and international releases.

2024-11-28 21:07:29

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